Release & Reprogram - 7 day course

You can complete it in only a few hours a day over 7 days,
or over a weekend!

To experience and bring joy back into your life - start by learning who you really are.

Identify and release

your unique blocks and triggers

to stop repeating unwanted cycles in 7 days 

If you keep repeating cycles or coming up against blocks, feel unfulfilled and like nothing is ever enough… check out my ultimate guide to release your past trauma and skyrocket your self-value instantly with this course.

Do you really make your own decisions?

Have you ever stopped to really think about whether you’re living life on your terms and through your own choices, or have you ended up being where you are today by doing what’s ‘expected’ of you by your parents, family and society?

Millions of us live our lives blindly, without actively creating and driving where we’re going consciously. 

​Course Curriculum Summary:

  • 6 x modules (5-8 lessons per module):
  • Module 1 - Your Inner Child​
  • Module 2 - Understanding Your Childhood Programs
  • Module 3 - Acknowledging Childhood Neglect
  • Module 4 - Identifying Emotions & Triggers
  • Module 5 - Releasing, Accepting & Letting Go
  • Module 6 - Living Consciously
  • 13 x exercises across the modules (you can download and print the pdfs to complete the exercises or complete directly in the pdf documents)
  • 5 x meditations to guide your reprogramming
  • 21 x affirmations

For more details on the course curriculum, please scroll down below to the Course Curriculum section.

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Discover the ultimate guide to releasing your childhood conditions - all in one place

I help male and female professionals and parents to understand, acknowledge and resolve the blocks created through childhood conditioning, by identifying your triggers and patterns and taking you through the techniques to release and reprogram the relationship you have with your Self.

All it takes is seven days to start creating the life you deserve to live and avoid inflicting your conditions on your children, by uncovering and releasing your childhood conditions consciously. 

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Taking your power back

If you’re a private person when it comes to your thoughts and emotions and you know your Self better than anyone else, this course guides you back to your true power. It’s your unique journey and your time is valuable, so you can complete this course from the comfort of your home in your own time with quick, short lessons and practical exercises.

I’m not here to tell you about your Self. I’m here to guide you back to your hidden power – your True Self. You’ll have to face your Truths, so that you can live a different life if that’s what you choose… one that you create consciously. 

Without spending years in therapy, trialling multiple healing methods, or avoiding them all because of your fears, without spending thousands of pounds or dollars – if you can commit to seven days (a couple of hours a day), and you’re self-motivated – this is the course for you.

If you’re a busy, career-driven professional or a parent and you’d rather not join weekly calls or a Facebook group, can do it your Self and would appreciate some guidance, then read on. 

This course is for you if any of the below feel familiar:

  • You're new to the self-love and self-mastery practice
  • You've been practicing self-love for a number of years but find it challenging to maintain or enhance your practice
  • You know you keep hitting road blocks in your career or relationships
  • You’re pressed for time because of work, you're a parent, or both
  • You're a private person
  • You want to ensure that your children have the chance to live their lives without inheriting your fears and limiting beliefs
  • You find it hard to express your emotions and thoughts and communicate your feelings
  • You’re an over or underachiever
  • You’re an over-giver and struggle to put your Self first
  • You’ve always done what family and society has expected of you and still feel unfulfilled
  • You want to understand and identify your blocks
  • You fear change and the opinions of others stop you from being true to your Self
  • You’ve bought into the stereotype and archetypes of male and female ‘roles’ that society and your family have imprinted on you but they don’t necessarily feel true to you
  • You don’t know who you are outside of the role you’ve been expected to fulfil
  • You have a constant nagging feeling inside that there has to be something more to life than the rat-race routine of work, home, children, bills… repeat
  • You want everyone that is important to you to be happy
  • You know you need to find out what’s blocking you and don’t know where to start
  • You want to bring joy and enthusiasm into your life
  • You’re ready to make changes in your life so you can show up as the best version of you

This course is not for you if:

  • You’re not self-motivated
  • You cannot commit to approximately 1-2 hrs a day for 7 days, or a weekend to yourself
  • You expect it to be done for you (no effort required on your part to make a change)
  • You’re not ready to see or meet your true Self
  • You’re happy living the life you currently live
  • You don’t think your childhood has anything to do with your life today
  • You don't believe your children are impacted by your conditions, fears and limiting beliefs

"Release your past through a new way of life –

a conscious life that you have the power to create."

- Divya Chandegra

You'll have lifetime access to the following modules, plus bonus materials:

  • Your Inner Child
  • Understanding your Childhood Programs
  • Acknowledging Childhood Neglect
  • Identifying Emotions and Triggers
  • Releasing, Acceptance and Letting Go
  • Living Consciously
  • Bonus Materials

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • 6 x modules (each module consists of 5-8 video lessons and you can speed up the video if you’re super time poor although they're not long and it's time well spent on your Self right!)
  • 13 x exercises across the modules (you can download and print the pdfs to complete the exercises or complete directly in the documents)
  • 5 x meditations to guide your reprogramming
  • 21 x affirmations
  • Bonus area with extra resources (completely free)
  • 78 x A-Z of positive words (valued at £97)
  • Masterclass access (valued at £197)
  • Maslow's hierarchy of needs (valued at £37)
  • Top 11 tips for setting healthy boundaries (valued at £147)
  • Personality test recommendation (free test)
  • Lifetime access (I recommend coming back and re-doing this course every three months after you first complete it)
  • 90-day money back guarantee
  • SSL (online payment security)


You can just take my word for it,

or check out what others have to say...

Katy W,

Head of Operations

"I have suffered with stress and anxiety from the get go. Always looking for ways to 'fix' myself and cope with the everyday. With her calmness and connection with her true self, Divya offers a space free from judgement and guides me to see things clearly in my life."

Chet R,

Commercial Director

"I was at a crossroads in my life and Divya helped me comfort my inner demons, deal with my past, help me cope with the years of past pain of losing both my parents and most importantly help me forgive myself. No person has had a greater impact in my life than Divya has."

Jyoti K,

Financial Controller

"Through one of the toughest times of my life - my divorce, Divya guided me on how the universe and the energy around us impacts all aspects of our health. By using the techniques that she has taught me I can see things from a different perspective now."

Develop lifelong skills to live a conscious life

This course will give you the tools to create the life you choose to live, free from old belief structures and systems that you inherited by your parents, grandparents and society and never really questioned.

You can then pass these skills on to future generations from a place of understanding, acceptance, forgiveness and ultimate freedom.

You’ll learn to: 

  • Program your Self to live in the present to find joy and happiness every day
  • Understand who you really are to set healthy boundaries with family and friends by communicating your needs
  • Develop a relationship with your true authentic Self so that you can make conscious decisions that feel good and aligned with who you are (now that you’re discovering your Self)
  • Empower your Self to release past conditions by learning to trust your Self when making major life decisions in relationships, career and finances saving time, money and pain
  • Understand how your childhood programs and belief structures have impacted you so that you can start to make different choices
  • Acknowledge how you may have been physically, psychologically or emotionally neglected in childhood to reprogram your fears and change your behaviour patterns
  • Identify your needs, emotions and triggers to start giving to your Self instead of expecting from others
  • Create and develop a relationship with your Self to remove resistance and unwanted repeated cycles and patterns by re-parenting your inner child with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Patience and Understanding
  • Release your fears and blocks to start living consciously and actively create the life you deserve to live now

My story

I'm that person who'll guide you to see how you're stopping yourself (it's not your fault by the way... you just need to see it clearly) so you can make different choices today and consciously create your life so you love it!

I'm also a life & wellness guide based in London. In a former life I was a programme director in the creative and digital sector for over 15 years and now I teach clients how to resolve childhood conditioning to create the life they deserve to live today.

Making changes to grow

In the early days of my self-development journey, people would say "get in touch with your Self"… and yet no one actually shows you how or where to start.

I understand that we're all on our own journey and each path is unique, but if we're not ready to open up to others (formal counselling or therapy), and the journey is personal, then where do we start?

It’s easy to say practice Self-care, love your Self first… but where does this actually stem from? Why do we need to go to the root of our development?

Have you ever asked your Self:

  • Why do I always get frustrated and react like this?
  •  Why do I have to be in control all the time?
  • Who am I and what am I about?
  • Why can’t I show my Self respect and value the way I do to others?
  • Why do I feel guilty when I say ‘yes’ to what I want or need?

It’s time to skyrocket your self-growth with this ultimate 7-day course. 

Let me tell you a bit about myself… 

I come from a working-class background. I’m a first generation British-born Indian. When my parents came from the Africas in their teens, they faced other fears and had their own conditions and I understand and accept that now. The only thing that was important to them was to educate their children and to live with integrity.

  • Did they face racism? – yes
  • Did they hold on to their culture and tradition as tightly as possible in a new land? – yes
  • Did they imprint their values, belief systems and fears on their children? – yes
  •  Did they grow up feeling abandoned by their family? – yes
  • Did they push back their emotions and were therefore unable to be any different with us? - yes

And I’m grateful… for all of it. 

Through the conditions to my True Self

Without these conditions and expectations from my family, culture and society, I wouldn’t have seen or understood my True Self and Soul essence or, what I needed to release to live the life I want and desire.

My parents instilled in me moral values and ethics that are true to me. They taught me how to care for, consider and give to others with pure intentions. What I’ve had to learn for my Self, is how to give to my Self, to put my Self first, to release the conditions and structures of what I need or should be to be a ‘good’ person, a ‘worthy’ daughter, someone who is lovable and valued – to move away from their concepts and understanding of ‘good’ and ‘bad’.

My family and society placed a lot of expectations on me, and being raised in a traditional and super strict Indian family with heavy gender biases – it’s been a lifelong learning lesson (and ongoing as I continue to evolve and grow) to get to a place where I’m proud to say that I know who I am, aside from the expectations placed on me.

Do any of these sound familiar? And did you just go ahead without knowing any better or questioning whether it felt right to you?

  • Be a 'good' girl or 'boy'
  • Be respectful to elders 
  • Learn domestic duties (cooking, cleaning, hosting etc)
  •  Be of service to others
  •  Learn my culture
  •  Get a degree
  •  Get a good job
  •  Get married
  •  Get a house
  •  Have kids
  •  Work harder and balance it all

I was never the child that would just follow blindly and do whatever I was told to. I asked and questioned everything and when the answers were dissatisfactory, I learned through my own experiences and listened to my inner guidance. 

Are you ready to tap into yours?

Working on my self-development

I’ve spent over 20 years on my self-growth and development to get to my true essence and I’ve developed this course, putting it all in one place so that you can benefit from my experience - just in a lot less time.

I grew up with Yoga as a practice in our household, but also in our Saturday school. Yoga to me is a way of life and a lot of the basics of this way of life were instilled in me through my parents in childhood. I later went on to certify as a Yoga instructor and a Reiki practitioner and today I’ve developed a deep understanding of my needs, instead of putting others, their opinions and what society or my culture see as acceptable in front of what I need and want.

Building my professional career

I’ve also acquired a number of professional certifications throughout my career, such as, Prince 2, Agile DSDM, MSP, CSM so balancing quality, time and budget in thousands of projects and programs is a key part of my role. I’ve spent 15 years focusing on meeting client deadlines, delivering according to the needs of various customers and working with multiple different teams so learning how to communicate and understanding that we’re all individual and unique is really important to me.

Defying conventions in my childhood

My dad reminded me of something in my early thirties – about how I wanted to get married at the age of 18 instead of going to university… I’m still not sure if he understood what I was trying to do at that age.

What was the point of me going into further education if after graduating there was an expectation to just get married and have kids? Then I may as well just take the path that was expected of me, instead of the one that has led me here today.

I don’t even know if I was consciously aware… but I know it wasn’t the life I wanted to live. I knew there had to be something else for me. When I think about it now, I realise that from an early age I was tapping into my Self and defying the cultural and gender biases I had been raised within because they didn't feel true to me.

Over the years, I continued to defy the structures and belief systems that had been instilled in me throughout my childhood about race, religion, 'good' and 'bad' and fear of judgement by my community. These actions and behaviours weren’t to defy my parents, they were about me learning my Self and being true to my Self.

I didn’t believe in the stereotypes that my family and society had imprinted on me and it was important for me to live by my experiences and create my own beliefs. However, I was always going back and forth between my True Self and my childhood conditions, which kept coming up as blocks and repeated cycles.

Blocks in my personal and professional life

When I learnt about my block in relationships - when I became aware of it, I could finally do something about it. However, it was deeper than that… when I explored my triggers and neglect, I learned that my commitment issues stemmed from my abandonment issue.

My first key childhood memory

I joined the dots with two very specific childhood memories of mine, where I recall the places in detail and verified both instances with my mum. Between 18 months and about two years old I remember two vivid events where my parents left me. The first, in a cot in the study and I was peeling the superman wallpaper - I can even recall where the cot was placed, the sky blue wallpaper with superman repeatedly printed all over it and the sun coming through the window.

My second key childhood memory

The second, was at a wedding in a red brick church hall (which my mother later told me was in east London) and I left the hall and went off on my own. I only found out in my late thirties when I questioned and she relayed the rest of the story, that my aunts, uncles and parents were all looking for me when they realised and luckily my uncle found me, although I was quite far from the venue. When we had spoken about that memory of mine before, she hadn’t told me the full story and just said that I walked out of the venue and jokingly mentioned that I gave them a fright.

My career

In my late twenties, I became aware of where my commitment issue in relationships (work and personal) and my block and repeated cycles (I would spend roughly two years in a permanent job and then look for something else - I needed the freedom and flexibility to make my own choices to feel like I was in control) stemmed from.

My personal relationships

It was even later than this, when I became conscious of this pattern in my personal relationships too. I would do something to subconsciously sabotage the relationship at the 18 month or two-year mark.

I pushed through this when I became aware to over three years in one relationship and felt like that was an achievement.

In reality, I hadn’t got to the root cause of the trigger, which was my sense of neglect and abandonment from my parents in childhood. This, along with the way we were raised led to me being a people-pleaser, an over-giver, unable to see my own value and worth by settling for things that didn’t feel true to me and because I wasn’t taught how to give to my Self - I didn’t feel worthy or of value.

My 3-step A.I.R system

Being able to acknowledge, identify and release these subconscious conditions by re-building the relationship I have with my Self has allowed me to change my path and make decisions that are aligned with my true Self and I continue to make different decisions (away from my deep-seated conditioning) every day because I know who I am now.

So, whilst I’ve spent over 20 years pushing, pulling and bringing my Self back to balance for my own wellness and to live consciously to continue to develop the relationship with my Self.

I've spent many years on my self-development and growth through reading, psychology, developing my intuition, various other healing and self-care practices (on the side of my full- time job) and it has led me to my purpose... to share the learnings with you so that you can fast track your reprogramming and live according to your True Self.

This course came into being having lived my professional career driven by deadlines and understanding the value of time, so I'm bringing it together combining the need for efficiency, practicality and self-growth. It's for someone like you, who struggles for time, and still wants to pursue a connection with Self where you learn to understand, acknowledge and free your Self from your childhood conditions.

Life is change – remember to check in with your Self to keep growing

I’ve brought it altogether in a course that you can complete in 7 days. I also want you to recognise that life and your relationship with Self is ongoing, evolving and constantly changing. That's why I suggest you come back to the course every three months to validate your growth and see which triggers you’ve released, which new ones may arise now that you’re ready to see them and how much you’ve grown and developed in your way of living…

Play with life a little. Bring your joy back. Make is less about work and more about your true Self and remember... wellness is all about the push and pull and play with bringing your Self to balance.

This course gets you to dig into your Self, understand the psychology behind who you are today and gets you to actively start releasing your blocks within 7 days!

  •  Acknowledge your childhood conditions to release the behaviour patterns and cycles you find your Self in today
  •  Develop a relationship and align with your Self
  •  Prioritise your Self
  •  Practice setting boundaries with family and friends
  •  Complete the course within 7 days

You can complete this course in seven days, or over a weekend**

**Once you’ve completed this course initially, I recommend that you take advantage of your lifetime access and check in with your Self once every three months so you can see your progress (you’ll notice the triggers you’ve released because they’ll no longer affect you, or ones that you need to go deeper into to release and reprogram, or ones that come up once you’ve released others).

"When I was having trouble with personal relationships and was unhappy in my life, Divya helped me by showing me that I need to focus more on my internal life than my external one. Guided to take an eye-opening look at my fears and resentments I have been able to let go and re-connect with my higher self. My relationships have improved & I'm better able to understand my own needs to live a healthy, happier life mentally and emotionally."

Taj B, Recovery Support Worker

"After actively using the techniques Divya showed me, I changed my perspective on things. I know that when I have a bad day, there will always be a good one that will follow. I learnt to seek out the positive no matter what I am faced with, I learnt to no longer hate myself, that I am a good person, I have people around me that love me and I am never alone. I take each day as it comes and I enjoy whatever it may bring. I found that once I started living this way I started to encounter more positive energy in my life."

Melissa S, Engineering Controller

Release and Reprogram Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  1. Your Inner Child
Available in days
days after you enroll
  2. Understanding Your Childhood Programs
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3. Acknowledging Childhood Neglect
Available in days
days after you enroll
  4. Identifying Emotions and Triggers
Available in days
days after you enroll
  5. Releasing, Acceptance and Letting Go
Available in days
days after you enroll
  6. Living Consciously
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus Materials
Available in days
days after you enroll

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